You will receive an email once your order has shipped that contains an attached invoice. However, there are other ways to retrieve your invoices when needed.
Retrieve invoice from the website:
- Click on the Retrieve My Invoice in the bottom right corner
- From the Track, Your Order screen, enter in your Online Components Order # and the shipping Zipcode. (Note this screen does not come up if you are logged in, it will go to your order history to view invoices directly.)
- Check the box on the reCAPTCHA
- Click on Get Order/Tracking Updates
- Scroll down to the Products section and click on the invoice number
This will open your invoice in a new tab where you can print or download it
Retrieve invoice from My Account:
- Log into your Account
- Click on My Orders
- Click on Order Info for the desired order
- Scroll down to the Product sections and Click on the Invoice number to download your invoice